Product Updates

Enhanced driver selection on mobile booking

Enhanced driver selection on mobile booking

We've improved our services based on feedback, making the booking process on mobile easier for Aliasbookers and Booking Managers. Previously, Aliasbookers had to choose a time frame before a driver, causing issues if the slot was already booked. To solve this, we've added a "Driver" selector at the start of the booking process. Aliasbookers can now choose the driver first and then the time slot, similar to our web platform.

Mobile booking authorization

Mobile booking authorization

Administrators can now authorize bookings on the go, reducing approval times. We've introduced push notifications for both administrators and users to enhance communication. Administrators get instant alerts for booking approvals, even away from the desk. Users are immediately notified of their booking status after approval or rejection. We've also enabled mobile approval functionality, allowing administrators to manage bookings effortlessly from mobile devices, for a seamless workflow.

Additional options for vehicle usage type

Additional options for vehicle usage type

We've added an after-sales usage feature for customers needing vehicles post-purchase and renamed our "Geschäftlich" option to "Dienstwagen" for clarity. We're also adding a free-floating option, for customers who which to use our fleet management module to streamline vehicles used in this mode.

Fixed Amount for Pre-Authorization and Pre-Charge

Fixed Amount for Pre-Authorization and Pre-Charge

We have received feedback from rental companies highlighting the need for a feature that accommodates specific insurance rules. These rules often require rental companies to withhold a predetermined amount for every booking. To address this requirement and provide a seamless experience for our customers, we are introducing a new pre-authorization/pre-charge functionality.

To meet the needs of rental companies with insurance rules necessitating a fixed amount withholding per booking, we are implementing additional settings that allow administrators to configure and customize the pre-authorization/pre-charge process.

With the new settings, administrators will have the ability to define a fixed amount that should be pre-authorized or pre-charged when a booking is initiated. This ensures that the predetermined amount is securely withheld during the reservation period, aligning with insurance requirements and providing peace of mind for rental companies.

Task Rules - Improved Recurring Rules

Task Rules - Improved  Recurring Rules

We've updated the user experience (UX) for creating monthly and yearly tasks based on fleet manager feedback. The old UX was complex and confusing, especially the task repetition options requiring specific day or month selections. The new enhancements simplify the task creation process by determining repetition based on the first task date. This change aligns functionality with user expectations, reduces confusion, and streamlines workflow for fleet managers.

Localize Currency Format

Localize Currency Format

As part of our commitment to internationalize our services, we understand the importance of catering to the unique needs of our global user base. In response to the specific request from one of our customers and to better serve our non-EU customers, we are introducing an improvement related to localized currency display.

To enhance the international user experience, we will be implementing a change that ensures the display of currency follows the localized format. This means that currency values will be presented in a manner that aligns with the specific conventions and preferences of the respective regions and countries.

This improvement is particularly relevant for non-EU customers. By using the localized currency format, we aim to provide a more seamless and familiar experience for users from different regions, making it easier to understand and interpret pricing information.

Vehicle Categories improvements

Vehicle Categories improvements

In response to user feedback, we have identified a need to improve the clarity and distinctiveness of vehicle category images and names, particularly within the middle range. Some users have expressed confusion when determining the appropriate category for their vehicles. To address this issue and provide a more user-friendly experience, we are introducing a set of name changes for specific vehicle categories.

To enhance the differentiation of vehicle categories, we have made the following name changes:

  1. Economy: This category will be renamed as "Subcompact." The new name better reflects the size and classification of vehicles falling within this category, ensuring users can easily identify and select the appropriate option.
  2. Fullsize: This category will be renamed as "SUV." The revised name aligns with common industry terminology, making it more recognizable and providing a clearer indication of the vehicle type.

Improving Visibility of Business Trip Stops in Driver Logs

Improving Visibility of Business Trip Stops in Driver Logs

Understanding the time and distance details of merged business trips in the driver log can often be a challenging task. The current system only displays the starting and ending points of the entire trip, leaving users puzzled about the individual stops along the way. To address this issue and enhance the comprehension of merged trips, we have implemented a new feature that offers a comprehensive view of each leg of the journey, including the starting point of each segment. This enhancement significantly improves clarity and empowers users with detailed insights into their business trips.

Tablet usability improvement

Tablet usability improvement

The mobile app screens have been optimized for tablet usage, enhancing the user experience and catering specifically to administrative tasks. Furthermore, this adaptation unlocks a range of new potential use cases for the fleetster service within the logistics industry.

Warning when saving damages without a picture

Warning when saving damages without a picture

In several instances, reports of damages have been made without accompanying pictures. This poses a significant challenge, especially when the affected vehicle is not in a central location or is not easily accessible. As a result, fleet managers must physically inspect the vehicle to verify the reported damage. To address this issue, a new warning has been introduced to discourage the submission of damage reports without pictures. Specifically, users who fail to provide a picture when reporting damage will now receive a warning prompt.

Instructions to find the key in the car

Instructions to find the key in the car

For customers who are new to carsharing, it can be challenging to locate the key. To minimize support requests and provide a seamless experience, users who book a car equipped with Invers will now receive a pop-up message informing them where the key is located within the vehicle. This feature will facilitate the process of finding the key, which may be stored in various locations such as the glove compartment or trunk.

Upload vehicle specific contracts per booking type

Vehicle specific contracts

In the digital vehicle file it is now possible to upload vehicle-specific contracts under the documents. These can be user contracts, for example, which must be read and accepted by the user before booking. The contracts can be set per booking type. In the booking process, users must then confirm these contracts before they can complete the booking.

However, in addition to the contracts for booking types, vehicle documents and other documents can also be uploaded and do not need to be confirmed in the booking process.

Artificial Intelligence in Driver License Check

Driver's License OCR

Over the past few months, our development team has trained an artificial intelligence (AI) to recognize and read driver's licenses. All data and computing processes remain on the same servers in Germany as before. The new feature is automatically available for all users and saves a lot of time when entering driver's license data and avoids input errors .

When creating the driver's license, users must enter all relevant driver's license data. This process can take a few minutes.Now, after users have photographed their driver's license, the AI fills in all the fields and suggests results. In our tests, we found that the AI makes significantly fewer errors than the users. Before saving, users have to check and approve the entries once again. Then they are sent to the admin.

Synchronization of contract and vehicle costs

Synchronization of contract and vehicle costs

When you upload a new contract or update an existing one, the costs in the digital vehicle file adjust. The system checks if the contract already exists. If not, or if the contract is older, the costs are adjusted based on the new contract. However, if there is already a contract with a newer date, nothing happens.

Quick booking creation from the admin area

Quick booking creation from the admin area

This new enhancement allows creating bookings from the administrative calendar. This helps administrators to create past, current or future bookings directly from the administrative calendar, allowing the administrator to create bookings faster while keeping track of all other bookings.

Improving user-centered information

Improvement of license check errors

The driver's license interface has been improved to ensure that no information is missing from the driver's license check. If information is missing, a banner will appear explaining in more detail what information is required to complete the driver's license check, so check the driver's name, expiration date, and verify the driver's license class before approving.

Set visibility of logbook fields

Settings for the visibility of fields in the logbook

With the new settings, administrators can now decide which fields of the logbook are visible and which are not. In this way, the logbook can be customized. The fields include reason for the trip, cost center, costs and whether a business partner is being searched for. Depending on requirements, these fields can be set to visible here. By setting the fields, the interface of the logbook can be adapted to regional requirements.

Fine Management "Handled" status

Fine Management "Handled" status

In order to have a better overview of all fines a new status was added. Fines can now be marked as handled. This will help the admin to keep track of the status of all fines.

Store multiple documents per booking type

Several legal per booking type

The function for car sharing contracts has been extended to allow multiple documents to be stored for the same booking type, i.e. business, private or service bookings. This is helpful if different documents first need to be checked and accepted in the booking process prior to booking or in the registration process for new users.

Parking information in the booking details

Parking information in the booking details

Depending on the vehicle pool size, it can sometimes be difficult to find the vehicle in a large parking lot among many vehicles. For this reason, the location where the vehicle is parked can now be added under the booking details. If a user books the vehicle and starts the booking, he will find the parking space information in the booking details and can thus find the vehicle quickly and easily.