Product Updates
Export for vouchers
06/30/2022, 3.108

You can export the vouchers in your company directly from the voucher list with the desired date range.
Tasks can require approval by an administrator
06/30/2022, 3.108

Tasks created by administrators can require approval by an administrator. Once the user submits the task it will be in a pending state, until an administrator approves or requests the user to redo the task.
Support for file format XLS in the import
06/30/2022, 3.108

You can now upload your XLS file directly to our guided data importer instead of converting it to a CSV format first.
Document attachment to task target
06/30/2022, 3.108

A new option during task creation is available. It is now possible to attach all uploaded documents of a task to the target, e.g. vehicle or user.
Service & Repairs mini analytics
06/30/2022, 3.108

To give you insights about scheduled and finished services, the costs of your services, and the amount of fixed damages, mini analytics have been added to the service & repair list.
Exports support for XLS file format
06/30/2022, 3.108

All exports in fleetster support the file format XLS now.
CSV export for vehicle status checks
06/16/2022, 3.107

Export the vehicle status checks as a CSV file in your company directly from the vehicle status check list with the desired date range.
User web self-service release & return via the web app
06/16/2022, 3.107

Users can now release/return self-service bookings themselves via the web. So far release/return bookings were only possible via mobile.
This will help companies to switch from automatic release/return to manual improving the user experience for those who are not using the mobile application.
Implemented the ability to import tasks
06/16/2022, 3.107

We added a CSV import for tasks in our guided data importer.
New Reports feature to view vehicle monthly costs
06/16/2022, 3.107

The new reporting feature allows you to create exports with various filter options. With the reports, you keep track of your monthly vehicle costs and more report types will be available soon.
Support and feedback now as separate actions
06/02/2022, 3.106

The sepraration into Support and Feedback enables a targeted assignment user problems and thus helps the administrators to correctly assign the submitted information to a list on the web.
Improved Mobile "Book Now" card
06/02/2022, 3.106

We updated the background image to better support mobile white labels that only support business or private bookings. In addition we use the same booking icon for mobile and web.
Implemented driver license & UVV information to fleet management's driver details section
06/02/2022, 3.106

The driver details in the fleet management section contain now the driver's license details and the history of the driver's license and UVV (accident prevention regulation) checks. This way you have all the important information about your drivers on a single page.
Implemented mobile damage reporting for assigned business drivers and vehicle managers
06/02/2022, 3.106

While a damage report was only possible on the mobile application throughout the booking until now, drivers of business cars can now report damages at any time from the home screen for their assigned vehicles. Vehicle managers on the other hand can report damages for all vehicles.
Implemented the ability to export refueling events
06/02/2022, 3.106

Export the refueling events as a CSV file in your company directly from the refueling list with the desired date range.
Added a new flat discount pricing rule
06/02/2022, 3.106

We added another discount rule to the vehicle pricing to offer you greater flexibility in your pricing scheme. Next to defining your discount as a percentage like before, you can now set it as a flat value.
Reusable import templates
05/19/2022, 3.105

Reusing the template of one of your previous imports sets the same options for you automatically. This way you can save a lot of time importing your data with the same format.
CSV import for procurements
05/19/2022, 3.105

We added a CSV import for procurements in our guided data importer.
Contract renewal notifications
05/19/2022, 3.105

You can now receive email notifications for soon to be expired contracts in fleet management. If you use contracts in combination with our task management you will also receive a task to renew the contract.
New driver details for driver license checks and UVV
05/19/2022, 3.105

With the new driver section for driver license checks and UVV (accident prevention regulation) you have all important information about your drivers on one single page combined. This includes:
- Account details
- Driver license details
- Driver license checks
- UVV checks
- Notes
- Documents
Service & Repairs can be connected to invoices
05/19/2022, 3.105

While editing a service or repair you can now connect it to an invoice. This helps you to keep track of your expenses. In addition you can go directly from the service or repair to the connected invoice.
CSV export for UVV checks
05/19/2022, 3.105

Export the UVV (accident prevention regulation) checks in your company directly from the UVV check list.
Booking status visible in booking list via mobile
05/19/2022, 3.105

Status of upcoming and past bookings is now visible in the booking list via the mobile app.
New automated fee rules for cancellation and expiration of bookings
05/19/2022, 3.105

The new automated fee rules for cancellation and expiration of bookings allow you define the cost, fixed or percentage of the original booking cost, and time period before the booking start when they should apply.
Product update video: May 2022
05/12/2022, 3.104
We developed many new extensions and improvements in our fleet management product. In this video we would like to demonstrate the most important updates.
Invoice Refund process
05/05/2022, 3.104

In our latest update, we are adding a new feature to further reduce the administrative burden. If needed, administrators are now able to easily refund invoices that have already been paid.
Fuel Card Management
05/05/2022, 3.104

The management of fuel cards is now possible through a new section in fleet management. Cards can be assigned to individual drivers or vehicles and are shown on the driver details page afterwards. If a fuel card was used for refueling, this is now displayed in the refueling details. Fuel card details are now also included in the import/export of refueling and driver data.
Mileage and number plate can be edited on the Vehicle Details
05/05/2022, 3.104

The digital vehicle file page has been improved. You can now edit the mileage of a vehicle or change the license plate number by clicking the added button.
Digital Vehicle File export
05/05/2022, 3.104

We added an option to easily export the complete digital vehicle file data as a CSV file.
New luxury car brands
05/05/2022, 3.104

With the introduction of new car brand symbols, luxury car brands like McLaren, Bentley, Rolls Royce, Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Aston Martin can now also be added to fleetster. Because, to quote a fleetster team member, “you can never have enough Italian super luxurious cars.”
Overview of Fines in Fleet Management
04/21/2022, 3.103

With the help of mini analytics for fines in Fleet Management, you can now get an easy and fast overview of your fines, helping you to decide what actions have to be taken next. The following overviews are possible:
- Fines in the past 30 days
- Open fines
- Resolved fines this week
- Overdue fines
Contracts version 2.5
04/21/2022, 3.103

We have simplified the process of adding contracts.
Instead of having to enter all individual fees of a contract, it is now only necessary to enter the total costs.
Driver log CSV export contains enterprise data
04/21/2022, 3.103

The driver log CSV export contains new columns from our enterprise license for a better overview of your trips:
- Vehicle group
- User organization
- Employee number
Expanded vehicle procurement process
04/21/2022, 3.103

You can now upload documents to the vehicle procurement process and store financing information about the new vehicle. In addition you can also create the procured vehicle with a single click.
Redesign of Organizations
04/21/2022, 3.103

In this release we redesigned Organizations and their details to provide you with a better overview and experience.
Booking Vouchers
04/21/2022, 3.102

Administrators can define vouchers in our new billing module that can be used for bookings by the users. It's possible to specify the validity of the voucher per booking type, timeframe, or user group. Vouchers can have a fixed value or a percentage of the booking cost.
In the booking process the users can enter a voucher to receive a discount for their bookings.
Overview of UVV Checks
04/21/2022, 3.103

With the new mini analytics for UVV (Accident Prevention Regulation) you get an overview of your checks at a glance:
- Overdue checks
- Checks this month
- Checks this year
- Failed this year
Service & Repairs can be connected to damages
04/21/2022, 3.103

While creating or editing a service or repair you can now connect it to damages of the assigned vehicle. This helps you to keep track of the progress of your damages.
Simple transition from Stripe Test to Live Mode
04/21/2022, 3.103

During our onboarding process our customers are testing the Stripe integration in Test Mode. Before going live it was necessary until now to reconfigure the account.
With our new setting the transition from Test to Live Mode can now be done with a single click.
Driver licence check photo retention rules
04/07/2022, 3.102

The photo retention of the driver license checks can now be specified with the following options:
- Standard
- Only last check
- Delete after approval or rejection
Highlighted trip on Vehicle Tracking
04/07/2022, 3.102

Useful to users who frequently drive the same routes is our improved view of tracked trips. While viewing a tracked trip, the selected trip gets highlighted, and starting and ending points are displayed. This makes it possible to easily distinguish the selected trip from others.
Expanded driver details screen
04/07/2022, 3.102

We added a lot of new information to the driver details:
- History of assigned vehicles
- Damages created by the driver
- Fines of the driver
- Tasks of the user
- History of driver license control
- Labels
Improved action bar UX
04/07/2022, 3.102

Until now only parts of our system had a save bar on detail pages. We added the save bar now to all pages to improve the user experience. The save bar doesn't require to scroll down to get access to the main actions and is always visible to the user.
Vehicle charging check at booking key return can be disabled
04/07/2022, 3.102

Not every location has access to charging stations for electric vehicles. Provider with electric vehicles can now disable the mandatory vehicle charging check for the booking key return.