What is Whitelabeling for CarSharing?
12. Dec 2022 | By Malena Gärtner
Anyone who wants to offer public car sharing cannot avoid doing so via various software products. Customers are flexible and expect this from their car sharing provider. They want to be able to book from any location and at any time. However, not every company has the necessary know-how to offer public car sharing in apps or on the web. One solution to this is the use of whitelabel software, such as fleetster provides.
Car Sharing Whitelabel
Whitelabel what is it?
If you have never heard of White Labeling before, then you are like many companies whose core business is not IT. Whitelabel are preconfigured software products. The carsharing provider buys them and benefits from the pre-programmed functions. The layout of the software is adapted to the brand-specific elements of the customer company. For example, the logo, the font or the company colors can be integrated into the software. With a drag and drop function, this is uncomplicated and quick to adapt. Your end customer does not get to know that you are using carsharing whitelabel. The communication between you and your customers only takes place in your name.
Furthermore, whitelabel software is so flexible that, beyond branding, extensions or modifications of functionalities can be made according to customer requirements.
Since fleetster's carsharing whitelabel software is cloud-based, it is available all over the world. Only a browser is needed, so it does not matter for how many users or vehicles the software is used. To ensure data security, fleetster's software is hosted exclusively on German servers.

What are the advantages?
Use of whitelabel software
The new development of an app is cost-intensive. Carsharing Whitelabel offers many advantages. The customer acquires a fully functional software that already contains all the important functions. The use works intuitively, because the software has been tried and tested many times and problems of the software have already been cleaned up. Likewise, other modules such as push notifications or e-mail functions can be used.
The customer can concentrate on his core business and does not have to maintain personnel and high financial resources for the development and maintenance of the software. On the other hand, the whitelabel solution can be provided quickly. Already within two weeks after placing the order, the carsharing software can be used. In addition, if desired by the customer, the app can be offered for download in the App- or Playstore as well as in the fleetster account.
Since the software is cloud-based, you as a customer do not have to worry about storage capacities and number of users. fleetster also takes responsibility that the data is securely hosted on servers in Germany.
Services White Label
What services can be offered?
The whitelabel carsharing software already includes many functions. The customer can see which functions he acquires with the purchase of the software. This also includes technical support. This way, the software always remains up to date through updates. Likewise, consultants are available to support in case of problems. In this way, the customer has a full overview of the costs. The whitelabel casharing software can be made available in nine different languages. Customers, not only in Europe, but all over the world, all the way to America or Australia, can purchase the whitelabel offers. Regular backups ensure that customer data is secured. In addition, alarm systems warn you if your customers' data is in danger. By concluding a service level agreement, you are contractually assured of data security. After all, data security is the top priority. fleetster attaches great importance to the fact that the serbers are all hosted in Germany.
But whitelabel software is not just something for public carsharing. Carsharing software can also be beneficial for companies that manage a fleet internally. Logistics companies or businesses with a large number of pool vehicles always need to have an overview of where which vehicle is in use and when it is available. This is where whitelabel can be highly beneficial as a management software. For example, the current position of the vehicles can be viewed or damage can be reported directly by the driver.
When does the use of an individual software solution make more sense?
Limitations of whitelabel
Theoretically, there are no limits to whitelabeling. But the disadvantage of whitelabel solution is that if the design is too complex and the customization is too individual for the customer, the advantages are lost. Due to the higher effort for individual customization, additional costs are incurred. In these cases, it makes more sense for the customer to have a separate product programmed for his requirements.
Public carsharing should be fast and easy for the customer. As a carsharing provider, however, you have little experience how such a software has to be designed. Therefore, benefit from fleetster and our experience. The whitelabel software of fleetster includes the tailor-made offer for your carsharing, no matter if you offer company-internal or public carsharing. You don't need to have technical know-how. Give us your wishes and we will take care of the rest. Instead of reinventing the wheel, you get the all-round carefree package from programming to customer support. You save time and money and can still provide your service to your customers in a fully comprehensive software solution.